South West Cultural festival to promote peace, investment opens today in Buea.

The South West Cultural Festival goes underway in Buea, Fako Division of the South West Region, today. The two-day cultural festival, organisers say, seeks to promote peace, cultural revival and investment promotion.

The festival will be taking place under the theme: “Peace, cultural revival, social cohesion, and investment promotion”. 

It will group indigenes from across the six Divisions of the Region. The fiesta will end tomorrow.

Festivities will take place at the Bongo Square ceremonial ground. The festival is being organised by members of the executive committee of the South West Chiefs’ Conference, SWECC.

Aside seeking to revive culture, promote peace and investment, orgaisers say they also want to use the fiesta to promote unity and transmit culture to the younger generation.

Activities are being coordinated by the President of the South West Chiefs’ Conference, His Majesty Moses Obenofunde.

Preparations for what will be on display for the next two days have been on since the last weeks of September. 

The traditional rulers of the South West Region say as guarantors and promoters of the cultures and traditions of the people of the Region, they must ensure the heritage stays alive.

An estimated 10,000 South Westerners are expected to attend the event from within the country and the Diaspora. 

As the initiative goes underway today, organisers are already signalling the wish to make it an annual melting pot for the display of culture and continue to promote social cohesion.

The festival will be characterised by traditional dances, fashion parades, exhibition of artefacts, gastronomy, music, caravan, artistic creations and other activities.

The cultural festival promises to be the biggest gathering of indigenes of the South West Region and its population in general to promote culture since the start of the Anglophone crisis.

As at yesterday, people from all the six Divisions of the Region had begun arriving Buea. The event ground is brimming with denizens from different parts of the Region trying to finalise preparation of the ground for their varied cultural displays.

SWECC President, Chief Obenfunde, says the festival will be a vehicle to push for return to normalcy, given the trying times associated with the crisis in the two English-speaking Regions in the country.

He says the event would reawaken love and social cohesion amongst residents of the South West Region and promote the wellbeing of indigenes of the South West Region.


This article was first published in The Guardian Post Edition No:3319 of Friday December 13, 2024


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