Personality of The Week: Cyrus Ngo’o: Douala Port Authority GM.

Cyrus Ngo’o: Douala Port Authority GM

Many people raised to serve in different capacities be it in public or private entities don’t know that leadership is a battle zone. Most often spend time marrying and lazing around instead of doing work for the people.

Others have stayed on the lane of complaining instead of seeking new alternatives. This week, the country has been living the details of a recent report of the Autonomous Sinking Fund, mostly known by its French abbreviation, CAA, on the state of the Port Authority of Douala, PAD.

The report especially x-rayed the company’s financial situation in 2023, saluting its management and clear cut vision in the short and long term.  CAA especially noted that from a profit margin of 3.22 % in 2018, PAD in 2023 reached a profit growth of 12.1%. This, it said, is in addition to many other positive actions that guarantee the corporation’s future.

Our readers across the world have taken interest in the report especially given the importance of PAD to the economy of Cameroon and beyond. In the rating of readers of The Guardian Post, the man at the helm of PAD in the person of its General Manager, GM, Cyrus Ngo’o, is the undisputed Personality of The Week.

Scattered across the world, our readers say they find in the nationalisation of PAD and its transformation into a strategic hub for business, another way of positioning Cameroon in the good books of maritime business globally. 

They say and righty so that Cyrus Ngo’o is a top company commander with rare business management skills, always analyzing possibilities at PAD for today and tomorrow in view. 

They add that he is a terrific overachiever who has not stopped seeing the possibilities of further strengthening PAD’s position as a major economic force in the nation’s economy.

He is a man whose sense of vision and perception work perfect even under pressure, producing extraordinary results in the process.

His empathy, leadership and patriotism commands all-round respect.  Cyrus Ngo’o has through his shinning management of PAD laid the groundwork for other national business to thrive. 

Admirably, our readers said he has done so in humidity and stands back to watch enterprises that depend on PAD’s activities shine.

Your Personality of The Week is getting a glorious crown from Cameroonians across the world for keeping PAD workers and stakeholders focused on set goals and staying motivated. 

Some say he gets his place as a fine nation builder under the sun for doing so exceptionally so even when the stakes are high and potential consequences dire. Cyrus Ngo’o at the helm of PAD has shown courage, dedication and commitment to vision in addressing even issues that go beyond the control of many.

Flowers are lacing his path this season on account of what our readers say are his rare leadership qualities. They say your Personality of The Week is a manager who listens keenly to the worries of others but has the courage to make tough decisions and confidence to stand alone.

The integrity of his intents and the quality of his actions, others say, are becoming more and more inspiring. The star of the nation this season is a man of accurate calculations and clear meditation in his service to country.

He has in his position as PAD General Manager cut through debates and doubts to deliver results which everyone now appreciates. Cyrus Ngo’o has aggressively pursued strategic partnerships that have begun to yield huge for country beyond which, admirers say, his quest for more only tells of his power of transformation and attachment to nation building.

Given the manifold effects of what he does at PAD on not only Cameroon’s economy but that of CEMAC member countries, those powering bulbs to position him in resplendent atmospheres say he is atop the league of genuine reformers.

The results-driven PAD boss others are saying and rightly so that, his sterling achievements are anchored on his attachment to planning, daring vision and affection to working things out. 

He masters the secrets of running a national corporation more than anyone else given that he is succeeding even in times of global head storms.

He has surprised doubters and enemies of growth with his ingenuity in handling the daunting task of managing PAD. While others are talking about supporting the vision of President Biya with nothing to show for, Cyrus Ngo’o, is busy showing through irrefutable management innovation at PAD what it means to support the Head of State. He has shown he is an effective tactician and innovator, always thinking out of the box.

Your Personality of The Week is not marching in step with the status quo. Rather, he has stayed on a bold course of action, applying unconventional business strategies to hit new heights at PAD. He is standing out this season from the rest given his discipline and commitment to stand for something special. 

He is doing the things many can’t do through uncommon courage, confidence and strength. Cyrus Ngo’o has adjusted the sails at PAD to the level where, irrespective of disruptions in maritime business, the corporation is standing strong.

His change of the course of PAD on issues without a beat of sweat when necessary to introduce the right changes, others are asserting, shows he is a realist and pragmatist. The effect of his hope and confidence is what has revived the commitment of event staff to service at PAD.

The splendid triumphs of Cyrus Ngo’o at PAD, others are saying, shows your Personality of The Week is a man whose conscience approves his conduct. 

Today, he is in the firmaments of honour for being a key character in public office working to make life more bearable and pleasant for citizens.

Our readers say, they are celebrating a man of courage, clarity and humility with results given the exemplary details in the CAA report on the state of PAD. 

They say and rightly so that Cyrus Ngo’o is a man with results and not unprofitable titles. They see him as a pathfinder with comprehensive plan and compelling vision for the Douala Port Authority.

His contribution to the growth and development of the nation through his standard management of PAD, many are attesting, unquestionably so, shows Cyrus Ngo’o has attained the highest calling of service. Others add to his cloud of achievements the great reduction in waste at PAD under his leadership.

Beyond profit margins, and other attendant positive changes at PAD, Cyrus Ngo’o is also being praised for establishing a solid company culture and energizing employees to produce more. 

He has attained excellence at PAD given that his sights are set on perfection. Your Personality of The Week believes and rightly so that everything can be improved upon.

Robed in gold and presented for global honour this season is a man who has raised performance at PAD to meet expectations. The performance factor, those who know the history of PAD before his arrival say, attests to his unique value as a true business leader. Cyrus Ngo’o and his team many are saying, have been spectacularly great.

This son of a police officer, born October 28, 1966, in the northern part of the country, is a native of Messamena, Upper Nyong Division of the East Region.

Cyrus Ngo’o started tasting leadership while a student of the University of Yaounde I. After university studies, he studied at the National School of Administration and Magistracy, ENAM. 

He was of the batch of 1998.  Despite serving in several government structures, Cyrus Ngo’o studied at the University of Montreal in Quebec, Canada. He earned a Master’s in Business Administration, MBA from the prestigious institution in 2004.

Before President Paul Biya handed him the PAD job on August 24, 2016, he was serving as Charge de Mission at the Prime Minister’s Office, in charge of Infrastructure and Technical Affairs Division. 

Here, he played a key role in overseeing projects in the Ministries of Public Works, Water Resources and Energy, Posts and Telecommunications and Mines, Industries and Technological Development among others.

Aside the Star Building, this eminent son of the East Region had also served the nation at the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and Ministry of State Property, Surveys and Land Tenure.

He is Coordinator of the Mbalam Iron Ore exploitation project. Your Personality of The Week, who at one time served as Deputy Chairman of the International Association of Cities and Ports (AIPV) for Africa, is also board member of the Cameroon Housing Corporation known by its French acronym, SIC and Cameroon Airports Authority, ADC. 

Your Personality of The Week is also chairperson of the commission in charge of attributing concession at the container terminal of the Kribi Port. He is married and a father of three children. 

His pure work at PAD, many are saying, have shown he is a formidable asset for the nation and a matchless patriot with never-seen commitment to service.


This article was first published in The Guardian Post Edition No:3319 of Friday December 13, 2024


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