Yaounde: Gendarmes parade notorious gangs suspected of harassing victims in vehicles.

Suspects paraded by security officers

Gendarme officers have presented members of two gangs suspected to be specialized in using taxis to harass inhabitants of Yaounde and its environments. 

The eight suspected robbers, allegedly notorious in stealing mobile phones, money and other belongings of victims, were presented at the headquarters of the National Gendarmerie in Yaounde, Wednesday December 11.

The group was presented by the Chief of Office at the Central Criminal Investigations Service of the National Gendarmerie, Lieutenant Kawouop Dieudonné and Captain Otele Etoundi Moise Aubin of the Central Judicial Research Department of the National Gendarmerie. 

The suspects were arrested following a three-day operation conducted by the National Gendarmerie from December 3 to 5. The officers, during the operation, recovered a taxi and some 50 mobile phones. 

The paraded suspects included 49-year-old Achille Evoun, Emane Anicet Rodrigue aged 34, 38-year-old Atangana Stephane and Mahe Joseph Serge, 33.

The four others included 54-year-old Kana Roger, Nlep Jean Parfait, 38, Kamseu Georges Mene, 41 and 29-year-old Vachala Moise. 

Kamseu Georges Mene, Nlep Jean Parfait and Vachala Moise were included among the arrested as accomplices buying the stollen items from the robbers. 

Speaking to pressmen during the presentation, the two Gendarmerie officers said based on complaints, the two gangs have similar means of operation.

Lieutenant Kawouop said the first group, coordinated by 49-year-old Evina Achille, operates as a network and targets mainly women and girls.

He revealed that besides Evina who plays the role of the driver of the taxi, the group is also made up of other members, some of who operate as passengers. 

They said once the gang succeeds in getting a victim on board the taxi, they use a knife to scare the victim and force them into surrendering all valuables, especially mobile phones. 

The second gang, Kawouop said, also operates with use of taxi but uses mystical substances to hypnotize victims once they are on board the taxi.

He said the robbers, after applying the substance, easily have full control over the victims and can talk them into doing whatever they want. 

He said it is through such tricks that the robbers convince victims to hand everything in their possession. 

The officers said the robbers also lie victims that they are possessed and in order for them to be delivered, they surrender all their belongings. 

Kawouop revealed that two members of one of the groups are still on the run but assured the press that the National Gendarmerie is working to completely dismantle the gang.

Captain Otele Etoundi & Lieutenant Kawouop Dieudonné speaking to reporters



Arrests fruit of three-month work 

According to the Gendarmerie officials, the arrests are the fruits of three months of intensive work by Gendarme officers.

Lieutenant Kawouop said the National Gendarmerie launched investigations about the distressing phenomenon in September following repeated complaints. 

He said following investigations, officers noticed that the harassments were the outcome of a well-coordinated practice executed by groups of criminals.

Lieutenant Kawouop said one of the major cases that attracted the National Gendarmerie’s attention was that of a young lady who was harassed and the sum of 460,000 FCFA stolen from her in the taxi.

The suspected criminals are said to have harassed the lady at the Bastos neighbourhood, who was headed for the Coron, by forcing her to reveal the password of her Mobile Money account. 

“On their way, the thieves sprayed the substance in the taxi and began confusing her by telling her that she is possessed and that she needs to be delivered…,” the officers recounted, adding that the gang was dismantled thanks to the technical investigation carried out by their sophisticated system. 

The officials urged the population to be vigilant, especially the festive period to avoid falling into the traps of robbers. Captain Otele Etoundi encouraged city dwellers to endevour to identity the registration number of any taxis that they board so as to easily report in case need arises. 



This article was first published in The Guardian Post Edition No:3319 of Friday December 13, 2024


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